The realisation of life with someone on the Mental Health rollercoaster

Published on 9 February 2025 at 13:31

Living with someone who has Mental Health is a roller coaster. 
You love them with all your heart you want to help them, to be happy, to see the good things in life  but you can also despair, be frustrated, scared and fearful. 
The most powerful moment for me was when the Mental Health Team asked how I was as the "carer"....... CARER ...... we are in our early 50's not some ageing couple looking over a grave side.

But my husband had hit rock bottom and attempted an overdose, we had been struggling along for over 10 years riding the MH rollercoaster, but this was different he couldn't see a way to get it to stop, to go away and I was now his advocate, support network, safeguarder, nurse, cook, cleaner..... carer. 

For me this was one of the hardest stages of our journey. 
I didn't know how I was supposed to feel, to act, I was just on autopilot getting things done. 
Keeping my head above the water, the outside world carried on, I had to keep the house going, kids needed to go to school & work, animals to be fed, exercised, we had to be in a state of 'normality' to survive the awful event that had come crashing down on us one January Morning. 


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